If a bottom freezer refrigerator labeled with energy star, so it's meet with the required standard of energy efficient.
Wiki writes that Energy Star is an international standard for energy efficient consumer products originated in the United States of America. "It was first created as a United States government program during the early 1990s, but Australia, Canada, Japan, New Zealand, Taiwan and the European Union have also adopted the program," said Wiki.
According Energy Star site, The ENERGY STAR label was established to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and other pollutants caused by the inefficient use of energy; and Make it easy for consumers to identify and purchase energy-efficient products that offer savings on energy bills without sacrificing performance, features, and comfort.
Wiki writes that Energy Star is an international standard for energy efficient consumer products originated in the United States of America. "It was first created as a United States government program during the early 1990s, but Australia, Canada, Japan, New Zealand, Taiwan and the European Union have also adopted the program," said Wiki.
According Energy Star site, The ENERGY STAR label was established to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and other pollutants caused by the inefficient use of energy; and Make it easy for consumers to identify and purchase energy-efficient products that offer savings on energy bills without sacrificing performance, features, and comfort.